• Fitech Material(s), ua qhov sib txawv tiag tiag

  • Kawm ntxiv
  • Anhui Fitech Khoom Co., Ltd.

  • Cov khoom no tau ntse ntxiv rau lub laub!

    Saib lub tawb nqa khoom

    Kev ua haujlwm siab Calcium Carbide rau Vuam & Txiav

    Lus piav qhia luv luv:

    Lwm lub npe: acetylenogen

    EINECS No.: 200-848-3

    Qib Standard: Qib Industrial

    Cov tsos mob: Dawb crystalline hmoov

    Daim ntawv thov: Kev tsim cov Acetylene

    Qhov ceev: 2.22 g / cm³

    Melting Point: 447 ℃

    Kub taw tes: 2300 ℃

    Loj: 15-25mm

    PIB: 2849100000

    Qauv: Muaj

  • CAS Nr:.75-20-7 ib
  • Molecular Formula:CaC 2
  • Txuj Txuj Ci: /
  • Ntim:50/100/200kg hlau nruas ntim nrog pallet;20MT ib 1 × 20'FCL
  • Yam tsawg kawg nkaus Order:Nyob ntawm koj qhov kev xav tau
  • USD$0.00 Nws
    • Ua ntej

      Ua ntej

    • Tus nqi sib tw

      Tus nqi sib tw

    • First-class Production Line

      First-class Production Line

    • Factory Keeb Kwm

      Factory Keeb Kwm

    • Customized Services

      Customized Services

    Anhui Fitech

    Anhui Fitech Material Co.,Ltd  specializes in Calcium Carbide more than 10 years, with rich experience, high quality, and competitive price. As a professional manufacturer and supplier, we have our own professional technology team to meet any of your requirements in quality and technology. If you want to buy Precious Metals, Ferro Alloys, Chemical Raw Materials, Calcium Carbide or look for price quotation, please contact info@fitechem.com

    Specification (%)

    Cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb:

    Calcium carbide yog ib hom inorganic tshuaj, tshuaj formula yog CaC2, calcium carbide yog lub ntsiab tivthaiv, dawb siv lead ua, cov khoom lag luam yog grey dub thaiv, hla ntu yog ntshav lossis grey.Nws reacts hnyav nrog dej, tsim acetylene thiab tso cua sov.Calcium carbide yog ib qho tseem ceeb ntawm cov khoom siv raw, feem ntau yog siv los tsim cov roj acetylene.Kuj tseem siv rau hauv cov organic synthesis, oxyacetylene vuam thiab lwm yam.


    STANDARD GB10665-2004
    Gas Yield Rate ≥295L / kg 297 l/kg; Dhau
    Lump Loj 15-25 hli 15-25 hli Dhau
    Pob / Ntim 100KG Drums 100KG Drums Dhau
    H2S Cov ntsiab lus <0.1% 0.08% Dhau
    PH3 Cov ntsiab lus <0.06% 0.05% Dhau
    Gas tawm los (L / kg) 285 295 305
    Loj (mm) 7–15 15-20 25-50 50-80 80-120 : kuv 120-200 Nws
    Packing (nruas) 50kg ua 100 kg 200 kg

    Functions thiab Applications

    Daim ntawv thov:

    1. Acetylene tsim los ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntawm calcium carbide nrog dej tuaj yeem ua ke rau hauv ntau cov organic tebchaw xws li hluavtaws roj hmab, khoom siv cob, acetone, ketene, carbon dub, thiab lwm yam. Tib lub sij hawm acetylene oxygen nplaim yog siv dav hauv cov hlau vuam thiab txiav.

    2. Thaum hmoov calcium carbide yog rhuab nrog nitrogen, cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tsim calcium cyanamide, los yog txiv qaub nitrogen, txiv qaub nitrogen yog ib qho tseem ceeb raw khoom rau kev npaj ntawm cyanamide.Cov yaj uas ua los ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntawm txiv qaub nitrogen nrog ntsev yog siv hauv kev lag luam kub thiab cov hlau tsis-ferrous.

    3. Calcium carbide nws tus kheej tuaj yeem siv los ua desulfurizer hauv kev lag luam hlau thiab hlau.

    4. Kev tsim khoom ntawm PVC.

    5. Ua rau calcium carbide teeb.


    Exhibition Show


    Ntim & Kev thauj mus los

    thauj 2


    Q: Koj puas yog tuam txhab lag luam lossis chaw tsim khoom?
    A: Peb yog Hoobkas.

    Q: Koj lub sijhawm xa khoom ntev npaum li cas?
    A: Feem ntau nws yog 5-10 hnub yog tias cov khoom muaj nyob hauv Tshuag.los yog nws yog 15-20 hnub yog tias cov khoom tsis nyob hauv Tshuag, nws yog raws li
    kom muaj nuj nqis.

    Q: Koj puas muab cov qauv?puas yog dawb los yog ntxiv?
    A: Yog, peb tuaj yeem muab cov qauv dawb tab sis tsis them tus nqi thauj khoom.

    Q: Koj cov nqe lus them nqi yog dab tsi?
    A: Them <= 1000USD, 100% ua ntej.Kev Them Nyiaj> = 1000USD, 30% T / T ua ntej, tshuav nyiaj li cas ua ntej xa khoom.

    Daim ntawv pov thawj

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    Ntau yam khoom

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